Energy whether it is physical, electrical, emotional, we all feel that there never seems to be enough. We are concerned about global warming, fossil fuels, and the sun burning out. How much energy is there? How much do we need? How much more do we need to take care of our future needs?
Imagine you have someone living in your house sitting on a couch all day, eating potato chips, and drinking mountain dew. And another eats little, exercises a lot, and consumes a little and expends lots of energy. Then there are those who have low emotional energy and strength, are always needy, and seeking approval. On the other hand we have people that are supporting others emotionally, physically, and spiritually throughout their lives. Of these people, which ones have the most energy?
It is the one giving away the energy away, and taking in the least amount of energy that has the most.
As we learned in the lesson “Whatever You Want”, you must give away.
Are we unhappy because of inadequate food, shelter, and kudos that we have today? Are we joining groups that are providing this food, housing and clothing for other people? It is easy for us to give away kudos. If we give five attaboys, it equals one kudo. If someone gives you a kudo, you can give them change by giving them back an attaboy.
There is an unlimited supply of chemical and electrical energy. We learned this in the lesson “An Abundant World”. It would be impossible to use all of the oil and natural gas that the planet has. Oil and natural gas are renewable fuels. We do not want to burn them, and we will never run out. There are also other energy sources like Thorium, which is a safe, non-toxic, nuclear energy source. There is also the zero-point energy field, the higgs field, and cold fusion. And Toyota is now powering their cars with “bullshit!”
Human excrement of poop and urine can easily be turned into hydrogen which can power all of our vehicles and our homes with no need for natural gas or oil from the planet. Teenage girls in Africa ran an engine on three hours from a quart of urine. We only limited by our greed and our imaginations.
What kind of energy do you need to live your dreams: physical, emotional, spiritual?
What do you have to give away? get this energy in return?
If you want more physical energy, you will exercise.
If you want more chemical energy, you will piss and crap more.
If you want more emotional energy, you will be supporting others.
Observation Without Judgement gives you everything above plus spiritual energy. When you eat breakfast, it gives you more chemical energy. When you eat breakfast with Meditation, you get it all! When you reach Kaivala you will have the energy to move mountains, jump from star to star, and help everyone out. The Multiverse is calling you.