Overview of the Peg system
This is where you hang information on a peg. Pegs can be anything.
You already have millions of pegs pre installed in your mind. They are numbers.
I will give you now, a different consonant sound for each of the digits 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9 and 0. These you must commit to memory. I'll make this simple for you by giving you a "memory aid" for remembering each one. Read them carefully and with your full attention. The sound for #1 will always be—T or D. The letter T has one downstroke. The sound for # 2 will always be—N. Typewritten n has two downstrokes. The sound for #3 will always be—M. Typewritten m has three downstrokes. The sound for #4 will always be—R. Final sound of the word, "four" is R. The sound for #5 will always be—L. Roman numeral for 50 is L. The sound for #6 will always be—], ch, sh, soft g, etc. The letter ] turned around is almost like the number 6. (j6) The sound for #7 will always be—K, hard c, hard g. The number 7 can be used to form a K. One seven rightside up, and the other upside down. ( "K ) • The sound for #8 will always be—F or V. Written f and figure 8 both have two loops, one above the other. (f8). The sound for #9 will always be—P or B. The number 9. turned around is P. The sound for 0 (zero) will always be—S or Z. First sound of the word, "zero."
If you will attempt to picture the little memory aid that I have given with each one, you should remember them easily. Please keep in mind that the letters are not impor- Peg System of Memory 51 tant; we are interested in the sound only. That's why I call this a phonetic alphabet. With some of the digits I've given more than one letter, but the phonetic sounds of these letters are the same, in each case. Your lips, tongue and teeth are used in the same identical way to sound P and B, or F and V, or J, sh, ch, etc. The sound of the letter G in the exclamation, "gee" would, according to the phonetic alphabet, represent #6, whereas the same letter in the word, "go" would represent #7. The letter C in the word "coat" represents #7, the same letter in the word "cent" would represent zero, since it is pronounced with the s sound. The letters Kn in the word, "knee" or "knife" would stand for #2, because the K is silent. Remember then, it is the sound that's important, not the letter. Now, look this over once:— 1. T, D 6. J, sh, ch, g 2. N 7. K, c, g 3. M 8. F, v 4. R 9. P, b 5. L 0. Z, s Turn away from this page and see if you remember the sounds from one to zero. Test yourself on remembering them out of order, too. You should know them all by now. I could give you one more aid for memorizing these sounds, by telling you to remember this nonsense phrase: TeN MoRe LoGiC FiBS. This will help you to memorize the sounds in order from one to zero. It is necessary, however, to know them out of sequence—so you shouldn't have to rely on the nonsense phrase too long—the original memory aids that I gave you, should suffice. This simple phonetic alphabet is of utmost importance, and the sounds should be practiced until they are second nature to you. Once they are, the rest of the Peg system will be a cinch for you. Here is a method of practice to 52 Peg System of Memory help you learn the sounds thoroughly:— Anytime you see a number, break it down into sounds in your mind. For example, you might see the number 3746 on a license plate; you should be able to read it as m, k, r, j. You might see an address 85-29, and be able to read it as fl-np. You can look at any word and practice breaking it down into numbers. The word "motor" would be 314. The word "paper" is 994, and "cigarette" would break down to 0741. (The double tt is the same sound as a single t, therefore it represents #1, not #11.) None of the vowels, a e i o or u have any meaning at all in the phonetic alphabet; neither do the letters w, h or y. (Remember the word, "why"). Before going any further, complete the following exercises. The first column of words should be changed to numbers, and the second column of numbers must be broken into sounds.
1. Tie
2. Noah
3. Ma
4. Rye
5. Law
6. Shoe
7. Cow
8. Ivy
9. Bee
10. Toes
11. Tot
12. Tin
13. Tomb
14. Tire
15. Towel
16. Dish
17. Tack
18. Dove
19. Tub
20. Nose
21. Net
22. Nun
23. Name
24. Nero
25. Nail
26. Notch
27. Neck
28. Knife
29. Knob
30. Mice
31. Mat
32. Moon
33. Mummy
34. Mower
35. Mule
36. Match
37. Mug
38. Movie
39. Mop
40. Rose
41. Rod
42. Rain
43. Ram
44. Rower
45. Roll
46. Roach
47. Rock
48. Roof
49. Rope
50. Lace
51. Lot
52. Lion
53. Loom
54. Lure
55. Lilly
56. Leach
57. Log
58. Lava
59. Lip
60. Cheese
61. Sheet
62. Chain
63. Chum
64. Cherry
65. Jail
66. Choo Choo
67. Chalk
68. Chef
69. Ship
70. Case
71. Cot
72. Coin
73. Comb
74. Car
75. Coal
76. Cage
77. Coco
78. Cave
79. Cob
80. Fez
81. Fit
82. Phone
83. Foam
84. Fur
85. File
86. Fish
87. Fog
88. Fife
89. Fob
90. Bus
91. Bat
92. Bone
93. Bum
94. Bear
95. Bell
96. Beach
97. Book
98. Puff
99. Pipe
100. Disease