The power that human beings have on the planet is because of their cooperation and social interactions. A group of hunters will always be much more successful than a lone hunter. Even a lone hunter that possesses equipment (four-runners, guns, and binoculars) that are produced by a tribe will have much more power than all of the ingenuity Robinson Crusoe had by himself.
Human beings have reached a point where they no longer grow natural protection like fangs claws, or protective fur or a shell to cover them. Most humans if dropped in a wilderness would be dead within three days to a few weeks. This is a very complex situation that we have developed as human beings. This is why we are powerful, and this is also why we are incredibly weak. As a body that has different parts in order to function properly, in a society, we have people that perform different functions than others. Some people spend time on food production, others on infrastructure, and others find time to take care of waste disposal. In a human body, if one section is not getting enough nutrients, it will give signals to increase the blood supply to that section. If this does not work, the body will send out signals that the brain interprets as intense pain. This can be compared to a baby that cries when it is hungry, wet, or uncomfortable. If the body gets an adequate supply of nutrition, it will send signals of comfort (this is like when a baby coos, or a kitten purrs, or woman giggles). In a social situation when two or more people get together for a common cause each person needs to have adequate food shelter and kudos in order for the group to be at peace and functional. Common causes are building a city, building a farm, building rockets to go to mars, going to war.
If one person or a group of people do not get enough food, shelter, or kudos, they will starve, cry and scream, and throw a temper tantrum until they are taken care of. The reason that these people are not getting enough food, shelter, or kudos is because other people in the society have become cancerous, and are taking too much for themselves without providing anything in return. In our society we call these people rich. They are using all of the resources and everyone else is doing all of the work and taking care of them. In a human body, cells can become cancerous, and they decide that they want all of the food, shelter, and kudos without providing any usable function to the body. In a human body when cells become cancerous they have to become eliminated for the body to become healthy. If society is unbalanced with the ultra rich and the ultra poor, it will become sickly and die.
To make sure this balance is kept, Humans have a built equality meters. They are always checking to see if what they are given is equal compared to what other people in the group have received. If you can remember when you were a child and the cake was being cut, your mother said, “One child cuts, and the other child picks the cake.” This is because of the equality meter. The people in the back of the bus control the equality meter.
You may remember eating dinner at your uncle's house. He would have three tables, one for the adults, one for the teenagers, and one for the kids. You always felt bad because you sat at the smallest table, and you were served last. When you were at school and someone brought cupcakes for the class, when the cupcakes were passed out, and you didn’t get any cupcakes, do you remember how you felt? This is your equality meter.
When you are at work and you realize that someone has worked there a shorter time than you, did less work than you, and yet received a better paycheck than you? How did you feel? Or when you realized that some people got paid more because of their gender? How did you feel?
The only way that society can function correctly is if there is not too large of a gap between the haves and have nots. People are always willing to see that leaders receive a little bit more, but when the gap becomes incredibly high, and society becomes unstable.
People say “You do not need equality.” Let’s remember and imagine:
- The fight that ensued because of the disagreement that you had with your brother over the size of the slice of cake?
- The productivity that was lost when workers found out that they were paid less than less productive workers than them.
- The wars that were started because politicians and monarchs had their feelings hurt.
Even though the cake is not better for us, and we were probably better off not eating it, everyone got their feelings hurt because they did not get their fair share. Even when we have an adequate amount to pay our bills we still get our feelings hurt because others are paid more than us. The issue is not about having adequate food, shelter and kudos, it is about how much we have compared to others.
Society needs to have equality to function properly. Human beings are hierarchical animals. We understand that someone needs to be in charge and there will always be other people who are taking care of specific needs. We do not mind if someone receives more than us, as long as they are doing something that is beneficial for the group. If we become of service to the group, others will look up to us and appreciate our efforts. Whatever you want in life, you must give away. On the Road to Kaivala, you are learning how to become of service to others. Let’s all work together to become a Happy Nation.
Observe where your positions in society are in different situations. With each of these positions where is your equality meter. How do you want to change your position in society? Do you want to do this by putting others down? Do you want to do this with hard work? Do you want to do this by helping others? You are great and wonderful! Thank you for joining us on The Road to Kaivala.