When you are looking for a job, new customer, or a relationship, rejection is very important. If you apply for a dream job and they tell you the next day that they really cannot use you, you don’t need to feel sad. Perhaps this dream job was a nightmare, and this will save you a lot of time and effort from waiting for a response up to six months in the future. This will save you from the nightmare. The same goes with all other things that we seek. We can use rejection to get out of things we do not want in our lives. This is where the Law of Attraction and the Law of Repulsion come into play. Are you setting goals in your life with the Fear of Rejection, or with the Joy of Rejection?
Network marketing companies set goals for their new recruits to be rejected at least ten times per day. This helps new recruits become comfortable with the feeling of rejection. The worst thing that happens is when you don’t get rejected and don’t fulfill your goal of being rejected ten times a day. When you are not rejected you have to stop and explain the company plan to the new recruit, help them fill out the paperwork, and help them start out their business. This requires a lot of time and energy. If you are rejected your life becomes much easier as you have less work to do. The network marketing companies make rejection a joy, not a punishment for their new recruits.
Most people today feel that rejection is something to be afraid of, and something to be avoided at all cost. Rejection can be a time-saver, a teacher, and a coach. Rejection can help you realize that you need to stop wasting time on pointless projects that are going nowhere. Rejection can teach you tenacity, endurance, and patience so that you can stick with a project. Rejection can fine-tune our progress and ensure that you have a better realization of your goals.
People are afraid of rejection because they are people pleasers. They spend excessive amounts of time with their yards, furniture, dishes, fences, cars, boats, toenails to please friends or family that may visit them one of these years. All of this time and effort is spent trying to please people that really don’t care about you. These people only wish to criticize or put you down. As we have learned In The Human Condition there are many people that live in the Devil State. In the Devil State, they are always trying to gossip or put other people down. To avoid this do not pay attention to things that are not that important in your life.
By embracing rejection, and using it as a guidance tool, it can empower your life and free you from stress and worry in your life. You can use rejection like safety cones on a road that guides you to avoid potholes. You can use rejection to keep you from driving the wrong way on a one-way street. You can use rejection when you wonder why there are no urinals in the men’s restroom. Rejection keeps us safe and helps us go in the right direction.
We are all seeking more love in our lives. We feel that we don’t have enough people to love us. There is no reason to feel that there is not enough love in our life. The only reason we feel this way is because The Lizard Brain is always trying to make corrections by saying, “I should have done it differently.”, however, “Should-of”s, “could-of”s, and “would-of”s are not true. Rejection will help us to understand how to do things differently next time. Rejection will help us to make changes in our lives. Rejection will help us to rejoice when we miss buying that stock that just crashed.
If you found the right tribe they wouldn’t care about your color of socks, if you farted in public, or if you made that investment in “Walmart in 1967”. When you find the right tribe they will not use shame and blame to make you feel rejected.
It is the quality of people that we surround ourselves with that is important, not the quantity. You would be far better off in a tribe of ten people that really like you compared to a tribe of a hundred that don’t know you, don’t care about you, and don’t really want to know you. This is why it is so important for you to find your tribe and get feedback from them. When you are rejected from a tribe then you no longer have to try to please people that you do not care about.
When we have a Fear of Rejection in our life we end up with poor quality relationships. We end up spinning our wheels, working at jobs that we don’t enjoy to earn money to buy things that we do not really want, to impress people that don’t really care about us. By embracing rejection and understanding rejection, we can free our life, so that we can soar, and fly as high or low as we wish wherever we go. By embracing rejection, we will not be shackled by a fear of exceptionalism.
This next week I will try to get rejected ten times. Either way, if you are accepted or rejected, notice what happens to your body throughout. Does your breathing change? Do your palms get sweaty? Does your heart beat faster? Everything that you notice is very important because you are learning about you. A few hours after you are rejected or embraced, write down your observations without judgment. A few hours later write down your understanding of your observations. Then a few hours later after that write down your judgments of your rejections or acceptances.
You are Great and Wonderful.