The brain functions like a bus with 36 passengers. Everyone in the back of the bus have their own opinion, and are trying to get their opinion to the front of the bus. There is a wall between the bus driver and the passengers. Normally the bus driver cannot hear what is going on with the passengers. There is a slot in the wall where every so often a piece of paper comes out telling the bus driver when to turn and where to go. The bus driver thinks he is making these decisions on his own, but he is just following the directions that he receives from the passengers. We will learn who these passengers are and how they are influencing our lives. Further lessons in nutrition, self talk, and how those you surround yourself with can influence those on the bus. As well how to look for signs that the people on the bus are unhappy, and how to deal with passengers sabotaging the bus!
Your brain has many different specialized parts that deal with certain activities. The Occipital Lobe deals with vision, having fun and riding roller coasters. The Temporal Lobe deals with hearing, making judgements and decisions. The Frontal Lobe deals with deep thinking, the future, and your libido (sexual interest and desire). The Frontal Lobe also deals with your sense of smell. The Parietal Lobe deals with your sense of balance, your sense of touch, and the emotional feelings. Through MRIs they have found that when a person is performing a specific task, like solving a mathematical problem, catching a baseball, or reading a book, specific parts of the brain will light up while doing different activities.
When people have brain damage from a stroke, accident, or disease and lose a specific function of the brain or lose that part of the brain completely, they will lose their ability to perform that specific function. At times they may be able to regain that ability, and other times they will never regain that ability again.
We are going to compare our brains with a bus with 36 people on it. These different people represent different parts of your brain. As on a bus with 36 people on it, different people will have different skills that they are good at. Some people will be good at math, others at basketball, some good at crocheting, they all have their own specialized skills and functions. These people on the bus are constantly arguing and discussing where they would like the bus to go.
In order for the bus driver to focus on the road, drive safely, and not be distracted from the people in the back of the bus there is a soundproof wall between them and the people in the back of the bus. There is a slot in the wall. Once everyone in the back of the bus has voted, and the decision is made on where to turn, where to go, and when to hit the brakes, the decision is written down on a piece of paper, and handed to the bus driver. The bus driver isn’t even aware of the people in the back of the bus telling them where to go. The bus driver thinks they are making these decisions on his own.
When a person does not have a barrier between the back of the bus and the driver, then they are classified with a disease called schizophrenia. They think that they hear voices talking to them, telling them what to do. It is just the people on the back of the bus. We all have people on the back of the bus telling us what to do, it’s just that normally we can’t hear the people in the back of the bus. When people who can hear the argument on the bus are informed that this is just parts of your brain that are talking to you and trying to help you in your life, this disease becomes less threatening. When these voices in the back of the bus are telling the driver to kill people, this can be a type of paranoid schizophrenia.
Some of the people on the back of the bus are associated with The Lizard Brain. Some of them are always hungry, always afraid, and some are always concerned about procreation. Then we have some people that make up fantasy stories to explain the world around them. There are also people that are connected to the Google to make sure that we have the correct stories. These two stories are compared to each other, and a story is created that balances fantasy and a reality. This is what keeps us sane.
There is another group of people making judgements on the events happening outside. We have some people that are connected to cameras, others to microphones, and they are letting other people on the bus know what is happening on the outside of the bus. We even have some people that are connected to a drone that is flying a mile in front of the bus and letting other passengers know what is happening in the future!
Everyone on the left side of the bus is female. Everyone on the right side is male. On one side or the other some may be wearing earplugs, blinders, or gloves to keep them from knowing what is going on, and lesson their vote on the decisions. This is what causes a person to be more masculine or feminine. On some people, the people on both sides have equal say in what is going on.
Since these people are influencing the direction that we are going, is there any way to give influence, or give feedback to the people on the bus, so as the bus driver we can have more say in where we want to go? We will be discussing ways that we can do this by using observation/mindfulness, getting control over our judgements, and making sure the information is filtered before the people on the bus receive it.
You can also use self hypnosis where you take a small amount of time and disconnect from the world, and you visit with the people on the bus. The deeper that you relax when doing this, the more effective it will be.
The more that we can Observe Without Judgement, the easier it will be for us to understand what the people on the bus need. As we take care of each individual person and gain an understanding of each person, we will make wiser choices on how we feed and take care of them. At times you may have a ravenous wolf in one of the seats that just needs to be scratched behind the ears and they will be turned into a little puppy.
Over the next hour observe the things that go through your head. After the hour is over journal as many of the things that went through your head for twenty minutes. It is ok if you do not write everything, if need be use an outline or use your stickies for this exercise. You are great and wonderful! Thank you for joining us on The Road to Kaivala.