We find ourselves in a constant state of lack. We don't have enough money, love, affection, passion, concentration, Mercedes Benz, etc. The song by Janis Joplin made fun of our obsession of possession. "Oh lord won't you buy me a Mercedes Benz? All my friends drive Porsches! You must make amends! Oh lord won't you buy me a color TV? A man on the airwaves said he can save me!" What is it that you want? Material things? Love, kindness and respect? Knowledge? Wisdom?
The question that we should ask ourselves is “Why do we have this striving to acquire?” Is this because we live in a world of scarcity, rather than a world of plenty? If our goal is to acquire things whether this be a big screen TV, happiness or world peace, what would be the best way to acquire this?
Time and time again the gurus and the wisdom of the past have always shown that the best way to get something is to give it away. The Buddha said “If you know what I know about giving, you would not let a single meal go by without sharing food.”
“He who knows that enough is enough, always has enough.” “Kindness in thinking creates profoundness, kindness in giving creates love.”
Luke 6, 8 "Give, and it will be given to you. They will pour into your lap a good measure-- pressed down, shaken together, and running over. For by your standard of measure it will be measured to you in return."
This is where the bakers dozen comes from. This is why bakers gave 13 to make sure that no mistake could be made to cheat another.
Karma Another causality characteristic, shared by Karmic theories, is that like deeds lead to like effects. Thus good karma produces good effects on the actor, while bad karma produces bad effects. This effect may be material, moral or emotional — that is, one's karma affects one's happiness and unhappiness.[25] The effect of karma need not be immediate; the effect of karma can be later in one's current life, and in some schools it extends to future lives.
We have discovered that whatever you want in life, you must give away. If you wake up in the morning and you want more love, kindness and respect? What should you give away? Love, kindness and respect. If you wake up in the morning and decide to have more hate, disgust and anger in your life. What should you give away? ...hate, disgust and anger.
If you want to have more knowledge in your life, what would you give away? You give away more knowledge. Who learns more, the teachers or the students? The teachers do because they have to constantly give away knowledge. As long as we are taking in knowledge we will struggle with learning, but if we teach other people then it will be very easy to master the knowledge that we wish to learn.
Some people wish to have more money in their life. If this is your wish, how would you get more money? If you look at employers and employees, who is the one that usually makes the most money? In most situations, the employer gets the most amount of money because she is the one handing out all of the money. The employer pays for the rent on the building, materials sold to the customer, and everyone’s salary. He is giving away most of his earnings.
Let's examine what we would like to have in our lives. This requires complete honesty as if you would say that you want love, but you are really looking for money, you are really going in the wrong direction. If you are looking for love, but giving away money, you are going in the wrong direction.
Get yourself comfortable, get rid of your distractions. Since no one else will be judging you, accusing you, or punishing you. It will be easier to come to honesty and truth in the answers to these questions if you relax, pull the stick out of your ass, and observe the world without judgment.
Some of the possible things that we have as interests in life are: money, food, sex, pleasure, rockets, or children.
Get out your stickies and write down on stickies what your top interests are. After, write down things that you need to give away to acquire your desire. Make a list of all of the things that you are giving away that stop your desires from coming to you.
Give away things that you want and journal the response that you get from giving away the stuff that you want.
Instant Karma doesn’t work very well. The more time and people that the gift passes through, the more powerful it will have when it comes back to you.