Scheduling Level 5


When we are scheduling our time, it is important that we are scheduling our time in sync with other people. An orchestra can have up to 90 people. If they do not have the same schedule to be in the room at the same hour, the orchestra will not function. They may have scheduled a stack of music to play, but if it is not the same stack for everyone, the orchestra will not function. They may all have the same music, but if they do not start and stop at the correct moments, the orchestra will not function. They may be following an orchestra leader, but if they have not made a decision on which leader they need to follow, the orchestra will not function. 


If we have a program that we wish to carry out, we need to be able to schedule this with other people.  You may have a schedule of what time to get up, when to eat food when to work on projects, and when to relax and take it easy. If this does not coincide with the schedule of other people that you are dependent upon, then your project will not function. 


Just as with the orchestra, there are many things that can be done that do not require everyone to have the same schedule. The people who make those instruments and tune them may have their own personal schedule that fits their lifestyle. Each person who makes the instruments can wake up, go to sleep, and do their projects during the day, and their projects will go smoothly. 


People that write the scores and sheet music, can also have their own schedule, and there will be no problem. People who arrange the chairs and clean the theater will need to have a schedule that is totally different from the orchestra program. It generally will not work if people are vacuuming or mopping the floor during the performance. The more people that are involved, the more important the schedule becomes to make sure that the work is being done at the right time. Even in the orchestra itself, you will never see all of the instruments playing at the same time. 


If you observe the orchestra closely, you will notice most of them calmly waiting to join in.  It may appear to you that these people are bored because they are waiting.  It is their boredom that allows the performance to continue.  It is their ability to enjoy boredom that makes them part of the orchestra.  As you schedule your projects, you may be aware of times of boredom while you are waiting for other things to happen. Embrace this boredom, enjoy the boredom.  People who cannot handle being bored will then find projects to do to keep themselves busy that really have no effect on the main projects and when it is their time to ring the triangle, they will not be ready. And they will miss out on their opportunity to become part of the program.  


So, for your schedule to work correctly for your program you will need to see how many people this requires for you to fulfill your plan.  The more people that are involved the more precise the scheduling needs to become.  If it is only two people, you will still need to have a schedule, but the schedule will need to be more flexible.  If there is only one person involved in carrying out your passion (replanting an entire forest, carving out and decorating limestone caves, or painting a landscape), then it makes no difference what time you wake up in the morning when you eat, sleep, or take a vacation. Even if you are the only person involved if you do not schedule out time every day your project will not be accomplished. 


You will still need time to schedule for shopping, cleaning the house, and other things that have nothing to do with your passion.  Without scheduling these things your life will cease to exist and you will not be able to carry out your passion.  


You may feel that you have the right to schedule your time to fit your current wants, wishes, and desires, and you do. But this may not fulfill your passion. If you think that adjusting your sleep cycle to become different what you feel your natural sleep cycle should be, and will cause you lots of pain and suffering, and if adjusting your sleep cycle is required to adjusting your time to be with other people, then this is your passion (your suffering, that you should undergo). 


We may have many things that you have to adjust in order to schedule our time with our tribe.  You may have families to take care of, you may have jobs that need to be done, and you may have bills that need to be paid, yet unless you can balance all of these, then nothing will get accomplished. You may be living in a city where you have to share housing, road building, and water purification expenses with other city dwellers. If living in the city helps you carry out your passion, your need to schedule your time and finances to take care of your share to these obligations to the city. 


Another thing that we have to ask ourselves is, are we scheduling things that take up our money, time, and resources that are not required to take care of our passion? If you are finding out that you do not have enough time to schedule your passion, then you must ask yourself what activities are you spending your time on that are only a drain on you that can be eliminated, and then eliminated them.  Scheduling not only includes finding room for activities. Scheduling also means eliminating activities or goals that are getting in your way. 


Do you feel that you have to take your children to every soccer game? Are you constantly moving children from one location to the other? Do you need to be at every baby shower or quilting bee that is held? Are we just filling up our time because we are pressuring ourselves to be there? Do you feel the need to join every golf game? To go to all of the major football games? Do you need to make sure all of your vehicles are waxed and washed to showroom quality? These and many others may be filling up your schedule and paralyzing you from accomplishing your passion. 


Many people are adjusting their living situation to become happy with less. They share homes with others to help reduce expenses and chores that they would have on their own. They also may decide to drive older vehicles or have no vehicles, ride bicycles, use public transportation, or have more than one person share a vehicle. All of this is done not to be cheap, but because this can divert more time to their projects that they are passionate about. 


What are you willing to forgo or suffer, or go without to follow your passion? Are you willing to schedule your time to fit in with a large group so that you can make beautiful music together? Are you willing to become bored while you are waiting for others to complete their part of the project? All of these things are very important parts of scheduling. In the comments below please list some things that you have done to improve your schedule and work more efficiently with others. This will help others benefit from the things that you have learned. You are great and wonderful!

Scheduling Level 5 Unit 1

Wizard Larry and Guru Stu

What is Kaivala?

 There are three levels of enlightenment.

The first level of enlightenment is Nirvana. This is where we learn to disconnect from judgment, and clearly observe the world.

The second level of enlightenment is Samadhi. This is where we have gathered all of the knowledge about the universe.

The last of the three levels of enlightenment is Kaivala.

Kaivala is when we are completely connected, and we become of service.

Some of us are living our lives and trying to patch problems with Duct Tape. Let's make a permanent change! Join us on the road to Kaivala!

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