Observing Feelings….
How do you look at feelings? How do you feel about feelings? Have you ever had your feelings hurt? Does this feel right to you? Do you feel that you are in the wrong place at the wrong time?
What are feelings? We can feel things with our fingers and our toes. We can feel things with our elbows and our noses. We can feel temperature, pressure, and pain. We have nerve endings that register a change in temperature. They do not measure the temperature. They only measure that there is a change. When you put your hand in cold water and leave it there for a while, the water no longer feels cold. Your nerves are telling you that there is no change in temperature.
When you jump into a lake of cold water your nerves come alive and register a big change to your brain. Once you have been there for a few minutes the water no longer feels cold. When you put your hand in very warm water it may feel hot to you. Once you have been there for a while, it no longer feels hot. This is because there has been no change in temperature. If you sit on your hand, you will feel a lot of pressure. After a while, you will not feel the pressure on your hand. When you put on tight-fitting clothes, you may feel a lot of pressure. After you have worn them for a while, you will no longer feel the pressure. All our nerves do is register a change.
The brain then takes this information of change and interprets meaning based on the sense of smell, taste, and arguments from the people on the bus. When a nerve on your hand registers a change in temperature, it does not tell you if it is hot or cold. It just tells you that a change has been made. You then decide if it is hot or cold based on if you see flames or icicles coming off of the object. Your brain then decides if this is an increase or a decrease in temperature. If the change happens slowly or over a long period of time, you may not even be aware of the change that is happening. This is why if you put a frog in a bucket of water and gradually raise the temperature, the frog will not jump out as the temperature increases.
Our emotional feelings then come into play. Our brain records a change in how we are being treated by other people. If others are being kind and loving to us, then one day they will do something disrespectful and hateful to us, and this will trigger an emotional response of being aware that things are changing. This is when we say “Our feelings have been hurt.” If we wake up every morning and our family members are rude to us, and treat us with disrespect, then our feelings will not be hurt because there is no change.
If our significant other goes through life and gives us very little attention and recognition, then one day comes home with candy and flowers, then our emotions will become ecstatic, and maybe even wonder what they did wrong. This is because there has been a change. If our significant other goes through life showing kindness and consideration for us constantly and then one day they ignores us, becomes aloof, and speaks sharply to us, then our feelings get hurt. This is because there has been a change.
You may think “I have loved my family my whole life and I still have warm feelings for them.” If you pay attention you will realize that you only think this way when something happens that puts you at risk of losing your family or loved ones. You will also notice other people losing their family and loved ones which helps you recognize the change that could be happening to you. You are also in danger of losing your family and loved ones due to accidents, disease, or a newly elected political official.
Even emotional feelings are stimulated by change. How you respond to all of these feelings, whether they are physical or emotional depends on your power of observation. The more that you can Observe the Change and the underlying cause for this and the surrounding circumstances, the better you can make a decision on whether this change is detrimental or beneficial to you. This observation needs to be made without Judgment. Just observing what-Is then you need to take some time to fully understand how this change will impact you and others.
The more knowledge that you have and the wider your worldview, the better your understanding will become. This is why to make wise decisions, you need to understand your Photographic Memory and how to read 4000 words a minute. This will enable you to take in information from a multitude of sources from a multitude of times in history. This exercise of your brain's ability to respond to feelings will enable you to make better decisions at a faster rate.
We will be having a lesson on exercising your physical feelings using mindfulness. You should go over lessons of mindfulness dealing with your feelings at least once a week in order to fine-tune your skills of processing these changes that are happening in your life. This will stop us from jumping to conclusions, becoming prejudiced, or making decisions from improper information. Bad choices are made when we do not have enough information.
The mindfulness exercise will be in the following lessons on The Road to Kaivala. Later we will be going into this with more depth. We hope this feels good for you. Please let us know about your feelings on this lesson. You are great and wonderful.