Your Passion Level 3 




Sometimes in life, it is as important to follow your passion as it is not to follow your passion.  Once we have discovered what we think our passion is, what are some actions that we can take in our lives, and what changes need to be made so that we can pursue our passion. How are we going to fit our passions into the rest of society? If our passion is more selfish or inwardly difficult, it may turn our passion to be less effective or more of a danger to the life that we need be live.  


Let’s say that our passion is only our health.  If we are only concerned about our own health and do not become concerned about other people, it will become less effective. When it centers around ourselves, our own thinking, and our own ideas it will not become as effective. An example of this is Mr. Kellogg when he envisioned that it would be optimal for a person to eat breakfast in the morning, so he invented Corn Flakes. Out of Corn Flakes came out Wheaties, Cheerios, and Rice Crispies. 


These contain grain, which is the same as starches or sugars for our bodies to consume. These are very destructive to our health today.  People also got into the habit of adding sugar to their cereal.  Whole grains when we eat them block the absorption of minerals in our digestive tract. 


In veganism, people felt that eating vegetables, and pure and clean food was the way to ultimate health. One of the leaders of this movement died of heart disease in the 1890s of heart disease. Another one of the leaders died of heart disease on the Dick Cavett Show.  The problem with these individuals was that they were only focused on themselves and didn’t focus their lives on other people. If they had gone outside of themselves and formed a team of people, they would have made more discoveries, and their passions would have become more beneficial to others.


The Seven Habits of Highly Successful People are not very effective because the author was an asshole.  The book leaves the reader confused and other people that are highly successful do not necessarily follow all of the rules and regulations of the book.  When you decide what your passion is and you decide to carry it out, the more that you include your tribe and your community with your passion so that they benefit, the more successful your passion will become.


There are people that carve into mountains, and spend tens of years carving tunnels that turn into homes, hidden sculptures, and cathedrals. When John Muir decided to disconnect from the rat race and go camping in what is now known as Yosemite National Park. It is when their pursuit of their passions became well-known and accessible by the masses did they became successful. 


It wasn’t until John Muir decided to make sure that other people had the same enjoyment as he did, and he was promoting that the area that he lived in to be turned into a national park that his passion became powerful. It wasn’t until the sculptures were discovered by a nationwide tv production company did their work became known and enjoyed by people nationwide.  


Your passion will always have more power when you include your community. If your passion is keeping good health, then you would want to do something for your community that would create good health. Open a yoga studio, open a gym, or open a diet and nutrition center.  If your passion is writing, start a book club, start a writers group, or write things to people who write the things that you want to write about. You will have a passion that is more refined and powerful toward the goal that you wish to achieve.  


If your passion is your family, then help your community define ways to provide childcare for working parents. Provide family planning groups, research ways of increasing education for parents and children, or learn current methods of disciplining your children. The word discipline means to follow the footsteps of your master, it doesn’t mean to scream and berate your children.  You should be setting an example for them to follow, you should be setting a desire for them to want to be helping you. 


Usually when you think of a starving artist, you think of someone living in an attic by themselves, and wonder why no one appreciates their artwork that is locked up in the attic.  The more that we can engage our passion with the community no matter what it may be, the more successful we will become. Success is not having a bigger bank balance or having our name on newspapers, or blogs across the country. Success is making a plan and being able to accomplish it. 


If your goal is to find ten people a day and let them know how great and wonderful they are, and you do that then you become successful. If your goal is to draw a perfect circle, and today you can, then you are successful. If your goal is to become more healthy, and you eat better, exercise more, and work on your mental health, it will make you more successful. If your goal is to stay in bed all day, and you do that then you have had a very successful day. 


What is Kaivala?

 There are three levels of enlightenment.

The first level of enlightenment is Nirvana. This is where we learn to disconnect from judgment, and clearly observe the world.

The second level of enlightenment is Samadhi. This is where we have gathered all of the knowledge about the universe.

The last of the three levels of enlightenment is Kaivala.

Kaivala is when we are completely connected, and we become of service.

Some of us are living our lives and trying to patch problems with Duct Tape. Let's make a permanent change! Join us on the road to Kaivala!

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