Finding Your Tribe Level 4


Let’s hope by now you have found your tribe.  You understand your passion. You are working on your ability to have empathy for others. And you also have a schedule so that you can get things done.  You understand The Addiction to Failure and you are able to endure the withdrawals. Now let's examine what the purpose of your tribe is. If you are trying to bring about change? Are you trying to keep things the way that they are? Go over your why statement of your tribe so that you can better understand your purpose for this lesson.  


If you want your tribe to grow and be attractive to others, you may need to do something different.  The Grateful Dead presented music in a totally different format and drastically changed how musicians collect money for their efforts. By doing this, they were able to create a strong tribe that was able to grow.  Some of these tribe members eventually created their own venues that were similar like Burning Man and Bonnaroo.  Each of these things was very different and went against the status quo of society.  


In each area of society because of The Human Condition, an established and tight-knit group creates barriers to advancement. These can be educational barriers, monetary barriers, cultural barriers, or racial barriers. Each of these barriers is designed to establish a superior class and an inferior class. People in the inferior class become frustrated as they are not allowed to improve or change their own personal lives. They become attracted to tribes that remove the barriers to advancement. 


Having standards and boundaries does not necessarily mean creating barriers to advancement.  Making people jump through hoops and unrealistic expectations except for specific groups does create barriers. This would be like educating one person to become a medical doctor.  You want to have standards of knowledge, wisdom, and empathy.  This requires education and training. Currently, there are seven to twelve-year college courses, and then several years of internship and residency where you will be forced many hours for very little pay. This system is not designed to create good doctors.  It is designed to make it difficult so a smaller percentage of people receive the job. 


This makes fewer doctors in the medical field, which gives more control and a higher income for those who are already part of that exclusive tribe.  This does not make the lives of the patients better as treatment becomes more expensive and harder for them to find a doctor to take care of them.  


Instead of encouraging a better system where people are taught how to learn, and they are given skills, it merely excludes other people from joining.  If the schools gave a photographic memory to kids in grade school, and taught them to read 4000 words a minute, then more people could pass the courses with better grades.  This could give us a larger and better educated medical care. If they start teaching the kids in grade school empathy and compassion, it would help doctors become more compassionate in their practices and in their lives.  

In your tribe what are some things that you can do that are different from the status quo?  What are some of the things that you can be doing to create more happiness in the world?  How can you make sure that members of the tribe can develop skills and qualities that allow them to succeed in the tribe?  Are your events mechanical, or are they about having fun?  


This is like Comic Con which sells comic books. It also allows lots of fun and to express themselves at the conventions. What are you doing for your tribe to create this atmosphere of change, happiness, and liberation?  


Whatever your tribe is, you can apply the skills of education to help the members become the best that they can be.  You can make sure that they are working on their photographic memory, you can make sure that they are working on their reading skills, and you can help them to use the different parts of their brain to express their inner thoughts better.  


Betty White has a book called “Drawing on the Right Side of the Brain” which helps everybody to become a better artist.  You can find people who are voice teachers or music teachers who could make it easier for the different members of the tribe to succeed.  A tribe could make it difficult for people to advance or you could make it easy for people to advance.  By making a requirement of helping others to succeed, you then enter into the God State of The Human Condition. In this condition, other members of the tribe will look up to and admire those who are helping them to learn and have a better life. Is your tribe tying people up and holding them down, or is it about lifting others up?


In any tribe, each member will have different skills and abilities. This is just like in a hospital situation where you will find different doctors, nurses, and janitors there to make the whole thing possible.  Just like in a human body, there are many different parts and functions in order for life to continue. If you do not have an asshole, you will become full of shit and die.  Just as in any tribe, all members are equally important for the tribe to function correctly. By working together, you will be able to achieve seemingly impossible goals. You will be able to build a spaceship that goes to Mars. You will be able to turn the planet into an earthlike habitable planet. You will be able to cure disease.  You will have unlimited resources at your fingertips. 


, but this is only if you have a tribe. 


Without your tribe, you will only be a person in the woods rubbing two sticks together in the rain trying to start a fire. You will also need other tribes with their special needs to help you.  If you are making knives, it would be good with friends with a tribe that makes steel.  It would also be good to be friends with a tribe that likes to grow and collect food.  Each of these tribes can have their own specialty, and yet they enhance the efforts of other tribes. This is like the idea that if you have a long enough lever, you can move the earth.  It’s going to take quite a number of tribes to create this lever.  The healthier and the more stable each of these tribes is, the stronger you will become.  As you take care of members of your own tribe, this will help you have more stability and strength yourself.  

The problem with factories today is that they are not a tribe. We go to work, do our job, and gossip at the water cooler, but we have no connection and very little compassion for those that we work with.  To make the books look better a company will fire thousands of people just to increase the profitability of one quarter.  The companies will build robots to perform the job and then lay off people with no compassion.  This is why many companies are causing stress and anxiety among the people who work for them.  The people are told that they can be replaced at any time by people from other countries or by machines.  They do not train people to become skilled because then the people would feel like they are important and valuable and expected to be treated better.  Some people move their employees to a new location every three months just to keep them always learning something new and not allowing them to become established in the specific job.  The company can then say  “You are still in training, and we cannot give you a raise yet.”


In your tribe, you will create value by giving value to others.  Whatever you want in life, you must give away.  The word Nirvana means to breathe out or to give away.  To reach Kaivala, you need to start giving away value, love, and compassion to others in your tribe. You may have achieved enlightenment, but have the other members of your tribe arrived yet? What can you be doing to train and educate the members of your tribe to become even better? 


In the comments below please let others know the things that you are doing, what it is working for you, and how you are helping others. 


What is Kaivala?

 There are three levels of enlightenment.

The first level of enlightenment is Nirvana. This is where we learn to disconnect from judgment, and clearly observe the world.

The second level of enlightenment is Samadhi. This is where we have gathered all of the knowledge about the universe.

The last of the three levels of enlightenment is Kaivala.

Kaivala is when we are completely connected, and we become of service.

Some of us are living our lives and trying to patch problems with Duct Tape. Let's make a permanent change! Join us on the road to Kaivala!

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