Motivation Level 4
Let’s examine more closely what is really motivating us in our actions. Are we motivated because of fear? Do we eat food because we are afraid of dying, or do we eat food because it is enjoyable, or do we eat food because we enjoy life? Or do eat food so that we have the strength to perform our passions? What motivates us to eat, or not eat food? Are we motivated because we do not want to upset the person who has prepared it for us? Do we not want to upset the person because we are afraid of them, or because we love them and do not want to hurt their feelings? Without examining our motivations we could be harming ourselves and others.
People who suffer from insomnia is usually because their brain is going a hundred miles an hour and cannot calm down at night. This is because they are so busy during the day, running on a treadmill that they do not have time to understand themselves what is really happening in their life. When the brain does not have time to examine actions and motivations in life during the daytime, then it will try to do this at night when the brain should be sleeping. In order to sleep at night you should allow time during the day for reflection and examination of your motives and reasons for your actions.
This is the reason philosophy (love of knowledge) is so important in our mental and physical health. Philosophy helps us examine our motives and reasons for our actions. When we do not do this, then we start lying to ourselves. In the book Folly of Fools, the geneticist Robert Trivers explains the ability that animals have for deception. In order to protect their life, to acquire more food, and to get the best mate. Human beings have the most powerful brains on the planet, which also contains the most powerful ability to deceive. Humans are so powerful that they lie to themselves. Unless we take time to examine our motives and what drives our actions in life, we will continue to lie to ourselves.
One of the main things that motivates people to lie to themselves is the Addiction to Failure. A cocaine addict will allow his addiction to control the actions and outcome of their life. The same thing will happen to people who are addicted to failure. They will stupidly take actions that seem to contradict their expressed and direct goals in life. They say they want better health, but they adopt exercise and diet programs that are counterproductive to their health. They will work incredibly hard to achieve good physical and mental health. Then in a binge, they will destroy their body and mind. They will say “This is impossible to do.” This is called self-sabotage.
This is why it is important to make a habit out of examining things, and clearly project what you want your goals to be and what is motivating you to have these projects. Only by careful scrutiny, and receiving feedback from our friends and enemies can we truly understand ourselves, and make adjustments to stay on track.
In order to understand our motivations better, we need to constantly be examining our passion in life and the things that are important to us and make sure that these are clearly stated, and understood by our tribe. Having a clear statement and creating a vision board or passion list we can examine this daily to make sure that we are on track. If your goal is to lose weight, then why do you want to lose weight? To be healthy? To fit into your clothes? To get into someone else’s clothes? To be admired? Only when we understand our Why when we are trying to do something can we then move on to what we are going to do, and how we are going to do it. When losing weight you may say “I want to lose weight to become healthy.” What - I will do this by changing my diet and exercising. How- Go on the ketosis diet, exercise 20 min a day, and make new friends that also have the same diet and exercise program. Or you could say “I want lose weight to be a size two” in order to fit into the latest fashion. So what could be “I will do this by not eating and vomiting.” The show could be “I am not going to allow food in my house. And every time I look into the mirror I will be upset when I don’t see formed bones through my skin.”
Both of these actions involve losing weight. The motivation for each is different. And the end result is different. In one you will live longer and have more health and energy, and with the other you will live a cold lonely life of fear and shame and die prematurely. Even more is involved in these motivations for doing these. If we want to lose weight to become healthy, and we want to enjoy life and do things for our loved ones this will be a far greater motivation than doing things out of fear or trying to fit into the consumer society. Anytime our motivations come from shame and blame this will become destructive to ourselves and others.
In order for motivation to work easier, we may need to adjust our entire view of the world. Are we trying to shame and blame others around us? Are we allowing them to shame and blame us? Are we trying to motivate ourselves using love and compassion? Are we trying to motivate ourselves out of wonderment of the amazing multiverse that we live in?
For the next month let's keep a daily record of our motivations and let's keep a schedule and accomplish our goals. Do we have a hard time getting up in the morning? Do we have a hard time going to sleep? Have we allowed time during the day to examine our actions and motives? This could be just a few minutes every hour. Having developed your powers of observation will enable you to be more aware of what is going on around you. Take this journal at the end of the month and try to get a better understanding of what is motivating you and driving your actions in life. Once you come to this better understanding, try to come to some wise decisions on changes that you could make. It is always advisable for you to talk this over with your guru or your wizzard so that they can help you get a better perspective on life.
Quantum physics
Information is received through the environment
The reason that our brain works so good that it
The new cat is more dog-like
There is no way that it could have transformed itself
We can’t send information faster than the speed of light