This is Meditation


Meditation - Do you have dreams that you want to pursue? Perhaps you find that when you sit down to accomplish them, the ideas that are so clear in your head are gone when you try to verbalize them. Does the noise of life, the office, or others' expectations cause you to lose your focus? This workshop will teach you how to keep your focus for extended periods of time so that the seemingly simple tasks of accomplishing your dreams can remain simple throughout your pursuit. Meditating with sounds, vision, sense of smell, sense of touch, or the third eye. One person's dream is another person's nightmare.

Does the noise of life, the office, or others' expectations cause you to lose your focus? Are you bouncing all over the place, expecting that if you just let your attention go from place to place that somehow your dreams and goals will be accomplished? Do you want to be bounced around like a lottery ball not knowing what you are going to get? Do you want clarity so that you can live your dreams?

Meditation simplifies your experience.  We observe our world as it is without judgment. This is what we call getting out of our Lizard Brain (what some call ego). Disconnecting temporarily from the Lizard Brain will allow us to observe a larger portion of the world without stress. 


Being fully engaged is very important. We need time to become disengaged to be mentally healthy. Just as in physical exercise, you don't want to work out and jog all day long, as this will destroy you eventually. 

Meditation enables us to examine our lives and understand what our real passions and motivations are. Meditation will help us find our tribe and accept rejection as a learning tool. We do not want the Lizard Brain to be making judgments and decisions in every part of our life. You probably heard the expression, "count to ten before speaking" This allows you time to get out of the Lizard Brain and into the Human Brain when making judgments or decisions. This will also allow the physical body to be free from the disease caused by stress and fear. 


What is Kaivala?

 There are three levels of enlightenment.

The first level of enlightenment is Nirvana. This is where we learn to disconnect from judgment, and clearly observe the world.

The second level of enlightenment is Samadhi. This is where we have gathered all of the knowledge about the universe.

The last of the three levels of enlightenment is Kaivala.

Kaivala is when we are completely connected, and we become of service.

Some of us are living our lives and trying to patch problems with Duct Tape. Let's make a permanent change! Join us on the road to Kaivala!

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